A brave teacher’s confession shows how bad low teacher pay really is


People are very angry about how much teachers are paid in the US because of a recent post by Arizona teacher Elisabeth Coate Milich on social media. Milich’s brave choice to post her pay online has brought to light the shocking truth of how little teachers are paid, even though they have to go through a lot of schooling and training to become teachers.

Milich’s post showed that she only got a $131 rise, which brings her yearly pay to $35,621. Many people are shocked and angry about this shocking number, and many are standing with Milich and her fellow teachers. By talking about her salary, Milich wanted to bring attention to the fact that teachers don’t get paid enough and that many of them have trouble making ends meet.

Milich works as a second-grade teacher at Phoenix’s Whispering Wind Academy. She loves teaching, but her pay isn’t even close to enough to live on. The average pay for public school teachers in Arizona is only $47,218 a year, which is one of the lowest in the country. The national average is $58,353 per year, so this is a lot less than that.

Many teachers have to work extra jobs to make ends meet, and Milich’s position is not the only one.

Milich’s brave choice to talk about her pay has started a conversation that needs to happen about how much teachers are worth and how they should be paid. As the argument goes on, one thing is clear: something needs to change so teachers like Milich get the respect, credit, and fair pay they deserve.


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